Star of “The Buzkashi Boys” Goes To School

Picture courtesy of Fawad Mohammadi's Facebook page

If this were actually Hollywood, Fawad Mohammadi, the accidental star of “The Buzkashi Boys” would be living in some not quite mansion in an idyllic suburb of some generic “nice place” in America and “gets the girl” who is some astonishingly attractive (yet underplayed to be not quite as hot as she is) chaste woman. And he would be living by a not quite detectable means that would inexplicably earn him an upper middle class income.

Enough of Hollywood fantasy, though. This is reality. And the reality is, Fawad Mohammadi, the street kid from Kabul is actually quite brilliant, but still has to work hard to not only get into the Turkish American High School in Kabul, the place he CHOOSES to get his education, but he is managing to not only get top marks in school, but proudly posts them to his friends on FaceBook.

While Fawad was nominated for an Academy Award in 2013, the film didn’t quite win. Hollywood briefly, and in my eyes, not very sincerely, flirted with him. (Now THERE’S a shocker for you!)

Fawad Mohammadi was offered the opportunity to come to the West and get his education there, but he decided to stay in Afghanistan instead. By all accounts, he is a hard working young man who is quite brilliant. He is also very religious, an aspect of him that I admire.

He always wanted to be an airplane pilot, and I hope he gets the chance to be one. Both my wife and I have been involved in aviation at times in our lives and it is a fun, rewarding pursuit.

Fawad Mohammadi is the hope and future of Afghanistan. As the rest of the world appears to burn in radicalism and people willing to kill to make their political point, I wish peace upon those who are strong and smart enough to make it.

About hotmilkforbreakfast

I am a researcher, a writer, a former soldier, an academic and a lifelong learner. All text and pictures are copyrighted and are not to be used without express permission of the author.
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